Smoothies can be an alternative way to increase your vegetable intake if you are finding it hard to increase vegetables in the morning. They also can be a great option post-workout/long runs when your digestive is not quite ready for whole foods and you need to refuel, this is particularly important if a second session is scheduled for later in the day.
Adding vegetables to your smoothies increases the nutrient profile in the meal and also over the day. Remember to chew your smoothies – sounds odd right? Slowing down and chewing allows time for digestion to work as it should, this is super important if you tend to experience bloating.
- 1 small lebanese cucumber
- 30-40g vanilla protein powder
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh pineapple
- 1 handful baby spinach leaves
- 1-2 tsp raw honey
- 6-8 ice cubes
- 1 tbsp coconut cream
- Chop cucumber & pineapple and add to blender
- Add all other ingredients
- Blend on high until smooth and pour into a glass
Other tips
- Blend until smooth for best consistency
- Use quality plant-based protein powders such as VIVO or Switch Nutrition
- Can swap out pineapple for green apple
- Be mindful of high intake of raw foods high in oxalates if you have thyroid disorders
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